Diverse Learning Environments
Hiyoko Group
Grade: N1/N2
Appropriate age: 2-3 years old
English Only Class
English teachers and teacher assistants firmly support children’s daily physical and mental growth. The environment and activities are planned in accordance with the developmental stages with room for creativity, independence, and sociality.
Grade: K1
Appropriate age: 3-4 years old
The class is divided into two groups. The school adopts the Team-Teaching Approach by both Japanese and English teachers with support from the Thai teacher’s assistants.
Grade: K2
Appropriate age: 4-5 years old
The class is divided into two groups. The school adopts the Team-Teaching Approach by both Japanese and English teachers with the addition of Thai Classes twice a week.
Grade: K3
Appropriate age: 5-6 years old
The class is divided into two groups. The school adopts the Team-Teaching Approach by both Japanese and English teachers with the addition of Thai Classes twice a week.